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The Therapy Services e-Log System is designed to serve several functions including to document services to districts or programs, document non-district or program work days, support HCDE billing, reflect accountability, and to document trends in service delivery to support statistical data for the annual report.

E-Logs are generated by all Therapy Services Division staff. There are separate logs for the first and second half of the month. The first half of the month e-log is due by the 15th of the month or the last work day prior to the 15th. The second half e-log is due the last day of the month (typically the 30th or 31st) or the last work day of the month.


The Monthly Data System (MDS) is designed to provide an unduplicated count of all students/children served by the Therapy Services Division and to collect demographic information on those served. Information is used to report data such as the number of children served by discipline, ethnicity, and service type. The data is included in our annual report to the HCDE Board of Trustees.

Monthly Data must be submitted by all Therapy Services Division staff on a monthly basis. Even if there are no students to add for the month, staff must still log on to the system each month and submit documentation. The due date for submitting the Monthly Data is always the last day of the month.

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